Graphic Design Trends 2019

In 2019, you can expect to see plenty of digital and graphic design elements that create a sense of order, beauty, and self-awareness. Jarring colors become harmonious in tiled patterns and modern collages, exaggerated proportions make for delightful and inclusive illustrations, and glitches become an aesthetic all their own.
Like many trends across all branches, digital design in 2019 will feature a healthy dose of both nostalgia and futurism. With retro influences from brutalism, cubism, and abstract art, the design trends of 2019 are reinventing some of the most aggressively disruptive aesthetic movements of the past to create a bold and colorful vision for the digital future.
Also see our latest logo design & branding trends for 2019.
What are the top 2019 Graphic Design Trends?
Here are the top design trends that we predict will dominate the digital & offline landscape in 2019:
- Bookman & Oldstyle Serifs
- Custom Typefaces
- Eco Packaging
- San Serif Logos
- Retro Human Illustrations
- Subtle Motion
- Memphis
- Digital Brutalism
- Complex Gradients
- Abstract Geometry
- Evolved Patterns
- Isometric Illustration
- Broken Grid Layouts
- Augmented Reality
- Modern Collage
- 3D Elements
- Variable Fonts
Bookman & Oldstyle Serifs
With the generic, sans-serif typeface being the face of nearly every global company, brands are now rebounding and bringing back some emotion in the form of personality-packed serif typefaces, often in Bookman, Oldstyle or transitional styles.
Custom Typefaces
All the big brands (AirBnb, Apple, Google, etc) are forking out the big bucks creating custom typefacesfor their brands.
Can’t afford a custom typeface like the 99% of us? Look for something different when choosing a typeface. Instead of Gotham, try an alternative.
Eco Packaging
Plastic is permanently on the news today, and to counter this mounting pressure from consumers, brands are reducing their use of plastic, such as Corona’s biodegradable beer packaging.
San Serif Logo Design Trend
After Airbnb and Google updated their logos to sans serif, a trend was born. The years following saw many big tech companies update their logos for a simplistic, homogeneous look. This approach allows for better representation on screens and at small sizes, but at the cost of individuality and memorability.
Retro Human Illustrations
Exaggerated proportions and unrealistic coloring make for a delightful alternative to generic stock photos. You can even make your own retro human here.
Subtle Motion
Micro-interactions are nothing new, but their true value is now being realized, especially in web design where you can really maximize the “surprise & delight“.
The Memphis design trend is a rebellion against strict grids, “good taste”, and meticulously arranged elements, often using patterns reminiscent of the 80s, Art Deco, Pop Art and 1950’s Kitsch.
Digital Brutalism
Clutter meets utilitarianism, eschewing basic tenets of user-friendliness and legibility in favor of a self-aware ugliness.
Complex Gradients
Vivid, dreamy color palettes and subtle shading add unreal depth to illustrations that would otherwise remain flat.
Abstract Geometry & Shapes
Colorful, geometric and amorphous shapes convey a sense of playfulness and creativity.
Evolved Patterns
Complex lines, patterns, tiled fills and dramatic backdrops create striking contrasts, especially when used with negative space.
Isometric Illustration
Visual storytelling through elaborate yet simplified miniature landscapes or scenarios.
Broken Grid Layouts
Minimalism meets thoughtful disarray when design elements wander to create striking asymmetry.
Augmented Reality
What was thought to be a passing fad, Augmented Reality has since grown exponentially, especially in the mobile arena, developing a foothold in both consumer and business markets. And it is set to grow drastically in the next few years. Keep an ear out for the term Extended Reality (XR) which stands for any form of digitally altered reality, comprising Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR).
Modern Collage
Blending distinct mediums like photos and vectors to create montages of digital clippings.
3D Design
With flat being all the rage in the past few years, designers are giving new dimensions to their work by adding 3D elements.
Variable Fonts
With variable fonts you just need one file because variable or generative fonts provide infinite number of letter weight and width adjustments. The possibilities of this are only just being tapped into, and will be sure be explored in 2019.